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Planned Power Outage Wednesday March 26th for North and South McPherson Streets

This Wednesday, March 26th, beginning at 8:00 AM, there will be a power outage for persons living on North...... Read More »
Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY


In May of 1998, the Hopkinsville Electric System (HES) board of directors agreed to run fiber optic cable to the HES substations to implement automated monitoring. By March of 1999, the fiber infrastructure was in place. Since fiber optic broadband was not available in Hopkinsville, HES elected to begin offering fiber optic broadband service to local businesses, industries and city/county agencies. To manage the internet side of the HES operation, EnergyNet was created. By April of 1999, EnergyNet connected the first of many commercial customers to its fiber optic network. Soon after, EnergyNet began offering residential internet services.

EnergyNet Timeline

  • 1999- HES connects substations with fiber optic cable
  • 1999- HES creates EnergyNet to manage internet services
  • 1999- Business fiber optic internet services offered to area businesses
  • 2000- Residential dialup internet service offered to area residents
  • 2007- Residential broadband internet service offer to Hopkinsville residents
  • 2008- EnergyNet builds data center for its equipment and offers colocation services to area businesses
  • 2012- Business fiber optic internet service offered to Cadiz businesses
  • 2013- Business fiber optic internet services offered to Oak Grove businesses
  • 2014- Business fiber optic internet service offered to Elkton businesses
  • 2016- First Hopkinsville neighborhoods offered residential fiber optic internet

Throughout its history, EnergyNet has continually looked for ways to provide affordable, high-quality internet services to area residents and businesses. EnergyNet will continue to seek new avenues to meet local needs and keep Hopkinsville and Christian, Trigg and Todd counties competitive in the global marketplace.