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The NEW! HES Customer Portal is now LIVE!

We are excited to announce that our new and improved customer portal is live and available for our customers...... Read More »
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Residential Solar FAQ

Because the installation of a solar panel system is expensive, and has such long-lasting implications (most panels last 25-30 years), it is very important to thoroughly and carefully consider the many aspects of  installing a solar panel system before purchasing one. Because “green” energy is such a hot topic in today’s global environment, more homeowners than ever are considering installing solar panels on their home’s roof. Because of this increased demand, the number of companies selling and installing solar panels systems has increased in recent years. But not all of these companies have the best interest of their customers in mind. HES/energynet has learned that some solar salepersons are providing less than truthful information to prospective purchasers. As a public power utility, HES/energynet exists to serve the best interests of our customers. For this reason, we’ve put together the following information to assist our customers in the consideration of installing solar panels on their home.

If you would like to personally discuss any aspect of installing solar panels on your roof, contact HES at 887-0767.

Click on each line to view the answer.

General Solar Array Information

Solar Panel Information

Purchasing a Solar Panel System

Solar Generated Electricity

HES/energynet and Solar Panels