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Weatherization Loan Program

Heating and cooling your home accounts for between 25-50% of your home’s energy usage. So if you’re looking for a way to lower your energy bills, home weatherization improvements are a great place to start. Weatherization improvements can include replacing your home’s central air unit with a modern, high-efficiency unit, adding insulation, sealing the air leaks in your home, or replacing your home’s doors and windows. A full list of the weatherization improvements that are financeable thru the EnergyRight Program is shown below.

One of the best ways to get started is to perform a home energy evaluation. This evaluation assesses many aspects of your home that directly influence your home’s energy usage. The EnergyRight program offers three different home energy evaluations: 1.) an online DIY Home Energy Assessment, 2.) a Virtual Home Energy Evaluation, or 3.) an in-person Home Energy Evaluation by a TVA Energy Efficiency Expert. To schedule a Virtual or in-person Home Energy Evaluation, click here or call 1-855-237-2673.

To learn more about the many benefits of the EnergyRight Progam, click here.

To determine if you qualify for a TVA EnergyRight weatherization loan, click the button below.