Hopkinsville Electeric emergency notification icon

Planned Power Outage Wednesday March 26th for North and South McPherson Streets

This Wednesday, March 26th, beginning at 8:00 AM, there will be a power outage for persons living on North...... Read More »
Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

Hopkinsville Electric System

Hopkinsville Electric System (HES) is a municipal not-for-profit corporation established by Kentucky statute and city ordinance. June 11, 2024 marked the 82nd anniversary of our municipal electric system in Hopkinsville. HES is one of over two thousand municipal public power systems in our nation. HES serves the “old” boundaries of the city limits and approximately 13,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers within our service area, with an average residential electric usage of approximately 1,100 kilowatt hours per month.

HES does not generate electricity. All electricity distributed by HES is purchased from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Through a renewable 5-year contract, HES is required to purchase all its power requirements from TVA. TVA also serves as the regulator of its distributors such as HES through the power contract. All HES rates and service policies must be approved by TVA. HES has some of the lowest electric rates among the 153 TVA power distributors and in the western Kentucky region.

To keep our community connected and competitive in a global economy, in 1999 HES created EnergyNet Internet services. Since that time, EnergyNet has continually improved the residential and business internet services it offers and is known for its quality service.

HES is under the leadership of its fourth General Manager, Jeff Hurd, P.E. The electric utility employs 53 people and is governed by a 5-member board appointed by the Mayor. The HES board meets the last Tuesday of each month at the HES administrative office at 1820 E. 9th Street unless scheduling conflicts require a change. To confirm the date and time of a board meeting, contact the HES office at 887-4210.

Our Philosophy

As your hometown electric utility, we have never outgrown our commitment to you. Since we are locally owned and operated, we all have a voice in how this utility serves the community. And, because we are not a publicly-owned energy conglomerate, we don’t hike your rates to pay off distant stockholders. Unlike electric cooperatives and other private companies, our meetings and records are open to the public. Together we can make the best decisions about our energy future. In an era of deregulation, you can be certain that the employees of HES have an eye on the future, are conscientious and dedicated to providing high, quality service.

Employee Identification

Our meter readers, operations and service location employees wear uniforms with the HES insignia printed on them, and our service trucks are visibly marked. Since these employees are sometimes required to be on a customer’s property for various reasons, customers can be assured that they are there to conduct HES business.