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Energy Efficiency Rebates

TVA is now offering rebates to HES customers who choose to implement energy efficiency improvements to their homes. Energy efficiency upgrades that qualify for rebates include: installing qualified HVAC units, water heaters, insulation, doors or windows, HVAC tune-ups, HVAC duct sealing, and home envelope sealing. Rebates range from $50 for an HVAC tuneup, all the way up to $3,000 for installing a high-efficiency geo-thermal HVAC unit. In addition to offering rebates for these improvements, HES customers will also have the opportunity to finance their upgrades thru the TVA EnergyRight finance program. All upgrades must be installed by a member of TVA’s Quality Contractor Network. These contractors have been trained and vetted by TVA as competent installers of energy efficiency upgrades. TVA also randomly selects completed jobs for follow-up inspection to insure that its Quality Contractors are continually performing at high standards. Once the TVA Quality Contractor has installed a qualified energy efficiency upgrade to a home, they submit the rebate claim to TVA on behalf of the customer. The customer is then notified by email of how to claim the rebate.


A great way to determine what energy efficiency improvements your home might need is to have an energy efficiency audit performed. These audits may be performed by yourself using a free online self-guided process, of by contacting a TVA-certified home energy expert. To learn more about obtaining an energy efficiency audit for your home, visit the TVA EnergyRight website.

To see if you qualify for financing thru the TVA EnergyRight Finance Program for installing qualified energy efficiency improvements, click on the button below.