Hopkinsville Electeric emergency notification icon

Planned Power Outage Wednesday March 26th for North and South McPherson Streets

This Wednesday, March 26th, beginning at 8:00 AM, there will be a power outage for persons living on North...... Read More »
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Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

Energy Saving Tips

Tips to reduce your electricity usage

Source. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Website

We use electricity every day in nearly every aspect of our home life, from heating and cooling our homes, to cooking, washing dishes, washing and drying clothes, watching TV, using our computers, and lighting our homes at night. Electricity makes our modern lives more convenient and comfortable, but at a cost. It is possible to reduce your electricity usage and associated bills by using electricity wisely. Below are a few tips that can help reduce your electricity usage, thereby lowering your monthly bills.

Click on each line to see additional information.

Heating & Cooling

Water Heating




For helpful videos regarding energy efficiency improvements you can make to your home, visit the TVA eScore video library by clicking here.