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Planned Power Outage Wednesday March 26th for North and South McPherson Streets

This Wednesday, March 26th, beginning at 8:00 AM, there will be a power outage for persons living on North...... Read More »
Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

Home Energy Audit

Hopkinsville Electric System is teaming up with TVA to promote smarter energy use across the Valley. One of the best ways to start down the road to greater energy efficiency, and lower electric bills, is to conduct an energy efficiency audit on your home. This audit starts with an assessment of the factors inside and around your home that affect how you use electricity. This information is then assessed to identify areas of improvement that will result in a lowered usage of electricity, resulting in lower electric bills.

To obtain an energy efficiency assessment of your home, there are three options:

DIY Energy Efficiency Audit- If you want to quickly identify areas for improvement, and be able to do it on your schedule, the DIY energy efficiency audit is for you. Simply click on the link below to get started. The DIY energy audit will guide you around your home to collect information, then provide energy saving ideas.

Virtual Energy Efficiency Audit- During the Covid-19 pandemic, TVA and your local power company have tapped into the video conferencing phenomena to offer virtual home energy audits. Now, a professional home energy auditor can assess your home and provide valuable insight into how you can save money by lowering your energy bills, without physically coming into your home.

To learn more about how the virtual home energy audit works, watch the short video below. For more detailed information on exactly how the virtual home energy audit will be conducted, and what will be required of you and your device, visit www.energyright.com or call 1-855-237-2673. You’ll also be able to register your home and schedule your virtual energy efficiency audit.











In-person Energy Efficiency Audit- If you’d like the opportunity to interact with a professional energy efficiency expert, the in-person audit is for you. This audit involves scheduling a time for a TVA energy efficiency expert to visit your home and conduct a thorough, hands-on evaluation of your home. You’ll then be able to discuss the finding face-to-face and receive valuable insight regarding upgrades you can make to improve your home’s energy efficiency.

To start the process of obtaining an in-person energy efficiency audit, you must first register your home at www.energyright.com or call 1-855-237-2673. Once you’ve registered, you can schedule a time for your energy audit.