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Planned Power Outage Wednesday March 26th for North and South McPherson Streets

This Wednesday, March 26th, beginning at 8:00 AM, there will be a power outage for persons living on North...... Read More »
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Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

Solar Installation Process

Any time a solar array is installed on the HES electric system, and before it can be switched “ON”, the solar array owner must contact the HES engineering and sign an interconnection agreement. When a solar array is connected to your electric service panel and produces electricity, there is the possibility for electricity to back feed onto the HES electric system which creates a dangerous situation for HES lineman. For the safety of HES lineman, it is imperative that HES is aware of ALL solar arrays that are interconnected with its electric system. HES must inspect and test the safety features of the solar array inverter(s) before the system is turned on to begin producing electricity. Your system is also required, by code, to have the proper disconnect switch to isolate it from the HES electrical distribution system should the need arise.

To begin the process, follow the steps below:

Solar Installation Process

  1. Customer submits completed Interconnection Agreement (click here to download) and solar array system electrical schematic
  2. HES approves Interconnection Agreement and solar array system design
  3. HES completes its engineering study
  4. Customer pays $850 engineering and interconnection fee
  5. Customer’s contractor is approved to install solar array system
  6. Customer contacts TVA Dispersed Power Production program (if applicable)
  7. Customer contacts HES engineering to schedule the inspection and commissioning of the solar array
  8. HES engineering inspects and tests solar array
  9. Customer/contractor turns solar array system ON

To contact the HES engineering department, call (270) 887-0773 or email: engineering@hop-electric.com. The interconnection agreement may be mailed to: HES, Attn: Engineering, 1820 E. 9th street, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 or returned via email to: engineering@hop-electric.com.

If you are not installing batteries to store excess electricity production, you may choose to sell excess electricity to TVA thru its Dispersed Power Production (DPP) program. At this time, TVA buys renewable energy at their avoided cost, which is approximately 3-4 cents per kilowatt hour (contact TVA DPP program for current rate). Participation in TVA’s DPP program is subject to a monthly HES administration cost and may require additional metering costs.

All fees associated with behind the meter renewable energy installations are non-transferrable, non-refundable and are subject to change.

IMPORTANT: Installing a solar array is an expensive, long-term (20-30 years) commitment. HES strongly advises our customers to thoroughly assess the financial aspects of installing solar before signing any agreements to purchase and install a solar array system. For more detailed information on the many aspects of installing solar, click here. HES has also created a Solar FAQ page to answer a wide variety of questions regarding solar panels. To discuss the financial implications of installing solar panels on your residence, contact Robert Kieffer at (270) 887-0767 or at: rkieffer@hop-electric.com.