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Planned Power Outage Wednesday March 26th for North and South McPherson Streets

This Wednesday, March 26th, beginning at 8:00 AM, there will be a power outage for persons living on North...... Read More »
Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

energynet Expands to Serve Cadiz

Hopkinsville Electric System in collaboration with Pennyrile Rural Electric Cooperation is pleased to announce the expansion of energynet fiber internet service to Trigg County.  The expansion of service will provide Cadiz residents with access to internet speeds that offer downloads and uploads of up to 1 gigabit per second.  To put that in perspective, on gig fiber internet service it’s possible that a 2 hour video can be downloaded in as little as 16 seconds.

With the accelerated need for work-from-home and virtual learning options, energynet service will provide a reliable internet solution for Cadiz residents.  The partnership between the two organizations was launched based on a need they identified in South Western Kentucky.  “It is our goal to bring connectivity to as much of our service region as possible.  By partnering with the established Hopkinsville Electric System energynet fiber internet service, we are able to get service to our members, and get service to them quickly due to the expertise HES has in fiber internet,” says Pennyrile Electric President & CEO Alan Gates.

The energynet fiber internet service is already available currently for over 4,000 residents in Hopkinsville and 1,200 in Todd County.  “We are thankful for the partnership with Pennyrile that will allow us to serve Cadiz.  We know there is such a need for connectivity for work, for education, for entertainment even, so we are glad to be able to provide this service to more in South Western Kentucky,” says Richard Shaw, Telecommunications Manager for energynet.

Packages for energynet fiber internet start at $59.95 per month.  Interested residents should visit goenergynet.comand input their address to learn if fiber internet is available for their location.  Customer service for energynet may also be reached by calling 270-887-0763.   Installation appointments are now being scheduled for Cadiz residents where available. Visit goenergynet.com to check on updates for your address as construction continues on this digital infrastructure improvement.

Visit goenergynet.com to learn more.

energynet Let's Connect Fiber Internet Service Cadiz