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TVA And HES Call On All Customers To Conserve Power

Effective immediately, TVA and HES is asking all our customers to reduce load by turning off all unneeded lights,...... Read More »
Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

HES Electric Rate Changes

In October, Hopkinsville Electric System will implement a 1.7% rate increase spread equally to all our customer rate classes. Over the past two years, HES has experienced dramatic cost increases in all areas of our business including material, transportation and labor expenses which directly impact our electric rates. This rate change will result in an additional $2.05 on the monthly electric bill of the average HES residential customer.

“HES understands the burden a rate increase places on our customers and we work very hard to provide the highest quality service at the lowest cost. HES has avoided a rate increase for over 5 years but it is needed to continue to provide the level of service and reliability that our customers have come to expect”, says HES/EnergyNet General Manager Jeff Hurd.

HES remains one of the lowest electric power providers not only in western Kentucky but throughout the TVA seven state region.

This rate change will become effective October 1, 2022 and complete details on HES electric rate schedules can be found on our website www.hop-electric.com.