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HES Drive Thru Closed

Our Drive-Thru is closed until further notice. Please come inside to conduct any business, or use our online portal...... Read More »
Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

KY launches Eviction Relief and Utility Assistance Program

The Commonwealth of Kentucky has allocated $264 million to keep Kentuckians safe and housed throughout the pandemic. The Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund provides Kentuckians with assistance for past-due rent and up to three months of future payments. In addition, the fund can provide Kentuckians with assistance for past-due utilities since April 1, 2020, and three months of future utilities. Assistance can cover gas, electric, water, sewer and/or wastewater bills.

For full information, and to complete your online application to apply for funds, click here.


IMPORTANT: The Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund is a program of the Kentucky Housing Corporation. Hopkinsville Electric System/energynet has no affiliation with the program and cannot answer questions about the program nor help customers with the application process. HES/energynet is also not able to check application status. All applications, questions, and status updates must be obtained through the Kentucky Housing Corporation.

IMPORTANT: Applying to the KY Home Eviction Relief Fund does not suspend disconnections for non-payment of past due bills.