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Planned Power Outage Wednesday March 26th for North and South McPherson Streets

This Wednesday, March 26th, beginning at 8:00 AM, there will be a power outage for persons living on North...... Read More »
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Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

Public Power

Public Power: Valley Power

When you think about the Tennessee Valley, what comes to mind?

Perhaps you think about mountains and lakes, sprawling farmland or the hardworking people who make this part of the United States a great place to work and live.

Chances are you didn’t think about “Valley Power,” although it is one of the Valley’s most valuable and unique assets.

Valley Power is the combination of public power and cooperative utilities that collectively serve more than 9.3 million people in the seven Valley states by providing them with low-cost, efficient and reliable electric power.

It’s a unique concept.

Owned by the people we serve

The electric utilities in the Tennessee Valley are owned by the people they serve. That’s you. And me. We focus on delivering reliable and affordable electricity as part of our mission of service to our communities.

And we do it without thought to making a profit. After the bills are paid, the remaining funds are re-invested in our utility to make it better. There aren’t any investors in faraway places whose only motivation is a return on their investment in the utility. And we’re locally based, with offices you can visit or call directly to conduct business with employees who are part of the community.

Valley Power puts people first. We don’t want you to spend more than you have to for energy. Our electric rates are set to cover the cost of running the business and to make investments that will keep our system operating efficiently and reliably into the future.

We are not in the business to just sell a product. It’s important that our customers use electricity safely and efficiently. To that end we provide seasonal energy tips and energy efficiency incentives for home and business improvements. Wise energy usage is a priority.

We also ensure your service is reliable. You want and need to be cool through record heat and warm in the bone-chilling cold. You deserve to have your service restored as quickly as possible following tornadoes, ice storms and other disasters.   Our promise to our customers is to do everything humanly possible to plan for and respond to Mother Nature in the most effective and efficient means possible.

TVA is our partner

We work closely with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), our power supplier and regulator. TVA is a vital partner.

Created in 1933 with a mandate to provide electricity at the lowest possible cost and to foster environmental stewardship and economic development, TVA is continually seeking ways to maximize its efforts in stewardship and efficiency for the benefit of all customers in the seven-state Valley footprint.

TVA and local power companies effectively transformed the Valley more than 80 years ago, and because we are locally-governed and members of our respective communities, we are dedicated to being the catalyst for transformation in a changing technological, social and political world. That is the legacy we want to leave for future generations so they too can benefit from our unique business model.

The collaborative effort we undertake daily with TVA is paramount to the communities we serve, and it is a responsibility we take very seriously. We work for you, and we are committed to making your life better.

As one of the 154 utilities that comprise Valley Power – 105 municipal utilities and 49 cooperatives – we say thank you for the trust you have placed in us.

Valley Power is truly “powered by people you know.” And our commitment is to the communities we serve as we help them shine as great places to live, work, and raise a family.