Hopkinsville Electeric emergency notification icon

Planned Power Outage Wednesday March 26th for North and South McPherson Streets

This Wednesday, March 26th, beginning at 8:00 AM, there will be a power outage for persons living on North...... Read More »
Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

Start/Stop/Transfer Service

If the address you want to Start electric service at does not currently have a meter installed, or has not had electric service within the past 12 months, it is considered “New Construction” and you must contact the HES Engineering Department. Click here to begin the process.  

Click each icon to learn more about each service.


Deposit Policy:

A residential security deposit ($100 or $400) may be required when service is established with HES. Deposits are based on a credit risk factor. A security deposit is not required for previous HES customers (within past 24 months) with 12 months of good payment history (bill paid in full on or before due date). A letter of credit from a previous electric utility attesting to 12 months of good payment history may also be accepted in lieu of a deposit.

  • Customers may waive the credit score and pay a $400 deposit.
  • Customers transferring an existing service to a new address may require an additional deposit based on past payment history and the amount of the initial deposit.
  • No deposit is required if you sign up for Pay-As-You-Go service.


HES may establish and collect standard charges to cover the reasonable average cost, including administration, of connection, reconnection, or disconnection of service. These fees are listed in the table below.

Establish new service: $25

Transfer service:  $25

Establish/Transfer service after hours: $75

Meter Test

  • If meter is functioning properly: $0 1st test, $25 thereafter
  • If meter is malfunctioning: $0

Returned check charge: $35

Reconnection fees*

  • Reconnect during business hours: $65 (includes $25 reconnection charge)
  • Reconnect after business hours: $75 (includes $25 reconnection charge)

Pay As You Go customers should contact HES at 270-887-4200 to determine the exact amount required to reconnect their service.

Meter tampering: $225 + meter cost + estimated stolen current (person stealing current may be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law by HES)

*Customers who are reconnected for non-payment may be subject to an updated deposit based on the current deposit policy.