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HES closed Monday, September 2nd, for Labor Day

The Hopkinsville Electric System office will be closed Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor day. Bill payments may...... Read More »
Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY

New energynet Customer Portal and Billing Change

energynet is moving all internet customers to a new service platform and billing system called “My Broadband”. Our goal is to provide a better service experience for our customers. With the new system, energynet customers will be able to easily self-manage their account through the My Broadband portal and have access to:

  • Autopay for Credit/Debit cards
  • Automatic bank draft for checking accounts
  • Easy access to billing records
  • Electronic billing
  • Simple Online Payment Portal

All of this is accessible from one simple and convenient location. The My Broadband account portal will be available for customers use starting on February 1st, 2023.

Q & A about the Internet billing change.

Q: What will this mean for my Electric and Internet account through HES energynet?
A: For customers with joint Electric and Internet accounts, those will be split, and there will be a separate bill for Electric and Internet services. The due date for the Electric bill will remain the same.
A: For Pay-As-You-Go (prepaid) Electric accounts, the Electric will remain the same, and the Internet will be billed separately on a monthly basis.

Q: Will the Due Date for my Internet change?

A: Starting on February 1st, all Internet accounts will have their bills due on the 10th of each month. On the 15th of each month, disconnections for past due accounts will be completed. Disconnected accounts will have 3 days to pay and be automatically reconnected.

Q: Will my Internet bill change during the transition?

A: For joint Electric and internet accounts, beginning in February and March, customers will begin to see pro-rated bill amounts for their Internet service. Afterwards the bills for both Electric and Internet will be split. This will result in a pro-rated bill for Internet service in the old system.

Q: What if I don’t have Electric through HES, or my Electric and Internet are already separated?

A: For internet only accounts, you will receive one full bill in February from the old system, and then one full bill in March for the new system.

Because of these changes, starting February 1st, 2023, for all Internet accounts, there will be no late fees or disconnections for the first 30 days. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate through this transition and look forward to offering a better customer experience.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 887-0763.