Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY


Ways to lower your electric bill

July 11, 2018

We receive many calls from our customers asking for ways to lower their electric bills. Since the electric bill is a direct reflection of how much electricity is used, the only way to lower your bill is to use less electricity. One of the best ways to do so is to learn what items in… Read More »

HES awards two scholarships

July 11, 2018

The 2018 HES Scholarship recipients are Katie Ruth and Ethan Noel.  Katie is the daughter of Tanya and Jesse Ruth.  She graduated from Heritage Christian Academy and will be attending University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill this fall with her major in Behavioral Neuroscience.  Ethan is the son of Tim and Cindy Noel.  He… Read More »

Project Shine Underway! LED Street Light Conversion

April 25, 2018

In partnership with the City of Hopkinsville, HES & EnergyNet has begun Project Shine, which will convert all of the existing street lights in our service area to new LED fixtures. The many benefits of LED street lights are listed below and HES has already began the process of converting mercury vapor (MV) and high… Read More »

HES EnergyNet Announces Gig City Project

January 26, 2018

On Thursday, January 25th at the Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours held at Hopkinsville Electric System (HES), EnergyNet, the internet division of HES, announced plans to increase fiber optic internet coverage to the residents of Hopkinsville. A Gig City is a city in which the residents have access to an advanced high speed network… Read More »