Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY


TVA’s EnergyRight Program offering incentives to business and industrial customers

February 8, 2024

TVA’s EnergyRight program is now offering incentives to business and industrial customers who implement qualified energy efficiency upgrades using the TVA Preferred Partner Network. Improvements that are eligible for incentives include LED lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, variable speed drives, thermal ice storage and conversion to electric forklifts. For more information, visit: https://energyright.com/business-industry/

HES accepting scholarship applications

January 30, 2024

Hopkinsville Electric System/energynet wants to help local youth realize their professional goals through education.  HES will award (3) $500.00 scholarships to high school senior students graduating in 2024 who have a primary residence with a HES/energynet residential electric and/or internet account number in Christian, Todd or Trigg counties.  Applicants must have lived with a parent… Read More »

Pros and Cons of Buying an Electric Vehicle

January 28, 2024

  It is undeniable that Electric Vehicles (EV) are here to stay. As battery technology continues to improve, the usable range an EV can travel on a full charge increases. EVs appear to be a great, green energy alternative to the typical vehicle with an internal combustion engine. But there are a number of important… Read More »

TVA and HES Call to Conserve Power

January 16, 2024

TVA, which provides power to 10 million people including the customers of HES, is expecting an all-time peak demand due to extremely low temperatures on Wednesday January 17th, especially during the morning hours between 6am and 10am. TVA and HES is asking all our customers to reduce load by turning off all unneeded lights, TVs,… Read More »