Electric: 270.887.4200 | Internet: 270.887.0763

Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY


Streaming Video 101

June 28, 2022

What is streaming video? Streaming video refers to entertainment delivered via the internet rather than a traditional cable TV connection. What equipment do I need? To enjoy streaming video, you need: Fast and reliable internet. A streaming device such as: an Amazon Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, or Roku Streaming Stick that is connected to… Read More »

New Phone Scam- Credit Refund From Overpayment

June 20, 2022

Unfortunately, we’ve received word from a customer that scammers are once again trying to scam our customers out of money. This latest report is from a customer that said they received a call from an undisclosed person stating that  HES had overcharged them and that the customer had a refund coming to them. The scammer… Read More »

How to Lower Summer Electric Bills

May 11, 2022

As soon as the temperature starts getting into the 80’s and 90’s, we receive calls from customers wondering why their bills are higher. The simple answer is that air conditioners must work longer, using more electricity, to maintain the indoor temperature setting on the thermostat. Many customers tell us that they have not touched their… Read More »

Purchasing a Home Backup Generator

April 21, 2022

At HES, we recognize the importance that electricity plays in the daily lives of our customers. Our goal is to keep the electricity flowing every minute of every day. But occasionally, mother nature thwarts our efforts, sending ice storms, thunderstorms and tornadoes, that damage the electric system, causing outages. If you’ve experienced an outage of… Read More »