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Hopkinsville Electric System - EnergyNet Internet Services – Hopkinsville, KY


October is National Bullying Prevention Month

September 27, 2023

This month raises awareness around bullying and encourages kids to embrace kindness and inclusion. While bullying has always existed, cyberbullying presents new challenges. On social media, messaging apps, games, and other online spaces, cyberbullying can spread faster and feel inescapable for kids. What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is on the rise, with 1 in 4 teens… Read More »

TVA and HES Announce Electric Rate Changes

August 30, 2023

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has announced a 4.5% wholesale rate increase beginning in October 2023 which will affect Hopkinsville Electric System (HES) customers as well as the other 152 TVA power distributors in the seven-state service area. Due to inflation and the demand for more capacity in the valley, TVA will require additional funds… Read More »

Explaining Common Online Scams to Children

August 22, 2023

Social media privacy issues aren’t always obvious. Scammers can use all kinds of creative ways to get personal or financial information from kids. This kind of activity can even put parents’ information at risk. For example, many parents give credit card information to their kids for purchasing apps or items online. Accidentally falling prey to a scam… Read More »

Teaching Your Child About Social Media and Privacy Online

August 22, 2023

Imagine living in a glass house. Think about everyone watching what you do and how you spend your time. A bit terrifying, right? Today, many kids are living in a sort of virtual glass house. Everything gets documented. They might capture that late-night mac and cheese, snap a pic of their new outfit, or check in at a… Read More »